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Struggling to pick a plan?

You can sign up for TLM without knowing which plan is best and a coach can personally help you. Follow the links below to get started.

This isn’t your one-size fits all app. We created this for you, your goals, and your lifestyle

Find your program


Can I switch between programs?
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Yep! Once you are in the program, you can switch between any of the programs. So, if you aren’t sure which one to sign up for or sign up for the wrong one, you can always switch once you are in it!

What equipment is needed for the lifting plans?
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We keep equipment at TLM minimal and include all suggested movements swaps directly in your programming so that everyone can train with the equipment they have.

TLM is designed to be done from *almost* anywhere. If you don't have a barbell, you can do it at home with just dumbbells, swap the barbell for a machine, or use a smith machine. Many clients do TLM from home with basic equipment and crush it!

Recommended equipment:

  • Barbell, smith machine, lifting machines & plates (optional) 
  • Pull-up bar (optional)
  • Dumbbells and/or kettlebells
  • Long straight or loop resistance bands
  • A bench, step, or box to lift on or jump onto
  • Cables and/or long resistance bands
  • One or any of the following: treadmill, a place to run, rower, ski erg, bike, jump rope, and/or a way to do cardio (optional)
Do I have to run if I do this program?
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You do not have to run to do a TLM lifting program! You may pair your lifting program with any of our on-demand cardio library options, including weekly high-intensity interval training, metcons/WODS (functional fitness style cardio workouts), zone 2, or aerobic capacity workouts. 

You may also pair it with your endurance or cross-training of choice, including cycling, group fitness classes, walking, rowing, or whatever you enjoy doing! You can also choose to do no cardio or running at all, although we don't advise that!

If I want to get stronger, build strength, build muscle, or 'tone', what is the best fit for me?
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All of our resistance training programs will take you through various cycles that help you get stronger and gain muscle. The strength movements will be paired with accessory work to target more isolated muscle groups to help with further muscle growth. This is one of the primary goals in all of our programs! 

Lifting and gaining muscle is one of the best and most efficient approaches to improving body composition. However, this goal will need to be paired with appropriate nutrition to help support your fitness goals.

Is there any 1:1 Coaching or check ins?
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The Lyss Method is a group coaching-based program that is templated, adjustable, and self-progressing -but it is not personalized or 1:1 coaching. You will have messaging access to Lyss and the group within the app for all questions or program adjustments.

You can find 1:1 coaching information here. 

Is there any video feedback?
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Yes we offer video feedback directly in the TLM app with coach Dani.